6. Accommodating for the modern family. The main advantages of flexitime for employees are: ... Set the ‘Work time’ rule for all days to 24 hours so your employees can work their flexible hours at any given time and have them taken into account as paid time. Ask any successful Chief Operating Officer (COO) of the modern era,... 2. Other types of flexible working include Job sharing, part time, annualised hours and staggered hours… Decreased Costs. The trend will continue and, in the future, you may find quality prospects and quality employees actually expect flex … These include ad hoc remote days, flexible working hours, summer hours, job-sharing, full-time remote work, a compressed workweek, and even compressed days. 2. 5 Benefits of Flexible Hours 1. I have known a lot of people who, though technically working part-time, in reality work far more hours in order to be ‘flexible’ in this way. Pros or Advantages of Flexible Work Arrangements: 1. Where employees experience greater job control, it leads to reduced workplace stress. Work Smart, Work Flexibly. Many employees view being offered flexible working hours as a sign they are valued by the company. To set expectations about communication norms, work hours and more, toolkits can be shared documents with information on the team's communication style and tools used, regular meetings, core working hours, etc. For a manager, flexible working hours can mean adjusting your working hours to be better aligned with your team, rather than you actually choosing the times that best suit your life. Helps Avoid Long Commutes. Any reduction in commuting saves employees both time and money. Flexible work schedules are actually an alternative to the traditional working hours in a week. Flexible working schedules allow employees to work from home at least some of the time and can lead to increased productivity, reduced burnout, and as a result, can ultimately benefit companies a great deal. Here are some of the advantages and disadvantages of flexible working hours: Advantages. There are many advantages for employers, as well as employees, when it comes to be able to work flexibly.Flexible working can involve a variety of different things, like compressing work days, having more flexible working hours, or dialling in from home (telecommuting). In a flexible working arrangement, an employee has some say over how, where or when they work. Similar to Flexitime, Working from home grants employees to have a better work/life balance. Staff retention. Many employees prefer working in the commodity of their own homes instead of operating in a crowded office. No matter how short or long your commute to work, you’ll always end up paying for the dubious privilege... 2. Offering more flexibile hours can boost employee satisfaction — but there are drawbacks. How popular is it? By allowing flexible working hours, employers are also free to introduce agile working in the form of staggered hours and alternative shift patterns to become more ‘available’ to customers, even outside of business working hours. Working from home is now easier than ever with all the great … There should also be clear guidance on exactly which types of flexible work are available and how they are requested by employees. 5. Good team work: Having proper and flexible work practices can allow the staff members to have their own schedules. What are the advantages of flexible working hours among women employees? Whether this involves working from home, working part-time, job sharing or having another kind of flexitime arrangement, generally workers benefit from an element of freedom to define a working arrangement that supports their lifestyle. Today, family structures are less rigid than they were 50 years ago. There are many benefits of offering flexible working hours, including: Better work-life balance for employees juggling many commitments A decrease in employee burnout and, consequently, turnover Increased productivity, since employees work when they’re most … Advantages of Flexible Working for Employers 1. Flexible working hours can be a great way of helping your employees find a better work-life balance and as a result perform better at work. While some flexibility in working hours is … The Advantages and Disadvantages of Flexible Jobs. In terms of flexible working hours, the potential advantages for employees are well-known – including an improved work-life balance, greater autonomy and improved staff morale. There are likely to be reduced sick days. This system can provide better quality of working life, health, motivation and work-life balance for women employees. This is because less office space is needed with workers at home, plus fewer furniture and personal needs are required at the office. Flexible work also saves your employees money on commuting to and from work. Different Types of Flexible Schedules. Flexible hours have become reality in the workplace. Another popular flexible working arrangement is “Remote Working” or “Working from Home”. Flexible working can take many forms – part time working, term time working, job-shares, home-working, compressed hours and flexitime and brings with it both advantages and disadvantages. So, there are pros and cons of flexible working for employers but the advantages of embracing a flexible way of working for some companies could far outweigh the disadvantages – especially for those smaller companies who might be looking to attract young talent such as students and graduates to the firm. Families... 3. Working hours (e.g. 5 Advantages & Benefits Of Flexible Working Hours by Anna Mathew. School hours are short, both parents usually work, people become carers for relatives as life expectancy increases and commutes get longer as cities expand. Flexible working can take many forms – part time working, term time working, job-shares, home-working, compressed hours and flexitime and brings with it both advantages and disadvantages. We know flexible work can improve employee health. Flexible jobs and working remotely have become very popular lately. Reduced employee stress: Research by FlexTime, involving over 1,000 employees and supervisors on flexible working hours using the VisionTime system, was carried out in conjunction with City University, London. Money-saving. They are increasingly popular in the modern working place and becoming more and more common across different industries. Through flexible working options, staff members can reduce or eliminate their commutes. Significance of the Study Flexible working hour can give many benefits to organization especially to women employees. The variety of existing work schedules offers advantages and disadvantages for workers, as well as for their employers. They see their flexible working … Because working at home is part of the flexible working arrangement, employers can often save money on their ancillary expenses. More Comfort. 6. Greater productivity. Introducing flexible working hours have become more and more common in today’s work culture. Flexible working … The average worker spends nearly 200 hours a year commuting to and from work according to 2011 TUC... 3. The definition of what a flexible schedule looks like is actually pretty, well, flexible. This may involve flexible working hours to accommodate a school run, for example, or even working from home where necessary. Most employees work from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., performing the 40-hour work week. It may be better for your sanity to offer a degree of flexibility in your office’s work hours, rather than letting everyone choose their hours with total freedom. Benefits of flexible working 1. Results show that flexible working provides the employee with enhanced job control. One disadvantage is the company cannot continuously monitor the employee and how they done thy work and it will creating a risk of the result of the project which must be implemented.